My best life
I’m still in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I’m having some of the best days of my life. They are ordinary and beautiful. I landed a great, though brief, internship with a human rights NGO. I love my temporary apartment and my fresh cut flowers and my candles. I’m proud of the life I’ve created. This might be temporary—but now I know what I want. I’m actually pretty simple. A job that is fulfilling, music, food, a few good friends, books, and writing. That’s it. That’s all I need. I can’t wait to see what the more permanent version of my best life is going to look like.
I was interviewed by a journalist for Street Roots. I wrote the answers while I was in Uruguay and it is in this week’s issue. Even from afar I am trying to make a difference in my country for my people. I am proud to be American, but more than anything, I am GRATEFUL. Even with the domestic human rights crisis of mass incarceration, and all of our other deep problems, we have it pretty damn good.