Life goals

1) I love to write.

2) I have had a very unusual life.

3) I have a story that I want to tell publicly.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told, “you should write a book.”

I’m doing just that. Books are much easier to read than they are to write, I’ve learned quickly. Despite having minor successes with some publications, I do not know how to write an entire book. Currently I’m just working on my book proposal, but writing sample chapters created unexpected difficulties. I stare at my pages knowing there are many hacks I could use to to make my writing “better”, but I don’t yet know what they are. I realized I’ve had no formal training on writing, ever.

I could really use a mentor. In lieu of that, I’m reading “The Art of Memoir” by Mary Karr and then I’ll re-read Dry by Augusten Burroughs, and I’ll do this while writing for at least an hour each day. I’ll keep this process up with other memoir-writing guides alternated by great memoirs until I figure out my life.